söndag 9 november 2014

Demolition man

The work with the Demo man machine has been very slow due to heavy workload at the office. The work hasn’t been completely standing still, but it was a lot more to do than I thought from the beginning. It turned out that it wasn’t just the flippers that had been oiled, all solenoids had been soaked in oil and had to be taken apart and cleaned. To make this work a bit easier I lifted the playfield out of the cabinet, which also gave me better access to cleaning the inside of the cabinet.


I disassembled all mechanical units and degreased them and run the parts through the bead blaster to make them nice and shiny again. All coil sleeves was replaced before reassembling each unit.


When working with the flipper units I cut the cables and resoldered them.
All three coils was about as bad as this one, so it had to be done. 


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